Chat - 6/19/14

This Sunday, June 22, we will be recognizing and celebrating Sharon Nelson's nineteen years of faithful, dedicated, and enthusiastic service to youth ministry.  It is sure to be a meaningful and fun morning, showing Sharon appreciation for all that she has done at Christ Church.  Everyone is welcome to come down to fellowship hall following the service for a baked potato and salad bar in Sharon's honor.

The Youth Ministries Council will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday.

The Deaconesses meet on Wednesday, 7:00.

A reminder that the annual report and newsletter deadline is tomorrow (June 20).


I would post a picture of Sharon, but she might come up from her office and strangle me if I did that, so I will post a recent picture of youth she has touched and help mold.  Thank you, Sharon!  You will be missed!