Chat - 9/4/20

You have the opportunity to participate in Walk-Up Communion this Sunday, September 6, from 9-10 a.m.  We will have the sidewalk marked to allow for appropriate physical distancing. We ask that masks be worn. If you wish to stay in your car, we will have a section of the parking lot for you. An elder will happily serve you communion.  Please spread the word. Bring your loved ones. We are looking forward to seeing you in person!

**Reminder that the Gospel of Mark Bible study will not be held this Sunday.

Shirley Weyrauch has offered to lead a Lectio Divina (praying with scripture) series using Pastor Mike’s preaching text for the week.  The first series will just be four weeks long, then we’ll decide whether to continue.  This will be offered via Zoom on Wednesday mornings at 10 am, finishing by 11.  Pastor Mike is introducing a new sermon series called “Come to the Table” this Sunday, September 6.  We’ll meet virtually for the next four Wednesdays - September 9, 16, 23, and 30 to pray through scripture about the tables of love, peace, grace, and joy, the topics for the next four sermons.  If interested, contact the office to be added to the list.  The link or phone number for the Zoom sessions will be sent out before the first session.

                            Scripture readings: 

                               September 9 - The Table of Love, Romans 13:8-14

                               September 16 - The Table of Peace, Romans 14:1-12

                               September 23 - The Table of Grace, Matthew 20:1-16

                               September 30 - The Table of Joy, Philippians 2:1-11


Thursday, September 10, is the Sunday School registration deadline for all youth (preK through 12th grade).  You can register through our website.

You might wake up one morning to find a flock of flamingoes in your front yard!  The Youth Fellowship Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser (say that 5 times fast) has begun!  Here’s how it works: 1). The youth have acquired some lawn flamingos.  For a $20 donation you can have the youth put them in the yard of a friend, neighbor, or family member.  2). Once the flamingos have landed in the yard of choice, that person has 4 options:

              a.  They can donate $10 and we will come remove them from their yard within 24 hours.

              b.  For a $20 donation we will send them to another yard of their choosing.

              c.  For a $30 donation they can purchase “flamingo insurance” and they can send them to a yard of their choice with a promise that the flamingos will never return to their yard.

              d.  Do nothing, and they will be removed in three business days.

 To send the flamingo’s to someone, please contact Lisa Yeagley at, or (330)714-4188 to schedule a drop off.

Lastly, spots for the fall-themed Painting Fellowship event on September 26 are filling up, so contact the office to reserve your spot!