Chat - 9/25/15

Rev. Beth Long-Higgins will be leading us in worship this Sunday, Sept. 27.  She will meet with anyone interested in the parlor at 9:00 a.m. for a discussion about United Church Homes and, in particular, Chapel Hill.

On Monday, the Youth Ministries Council will meet at 7:00 p.m.

The Carol Choir will rehearse on Wednesday, 4:30 p.m. and the Chancel Choir rehearses at 7:30.

We will usher in October with the annual bratwurst sale on the 3rd, 11-2 p.m.  Bratwurst, hot dogs, chips, cookies and more will be for sale while you are checking out the yardsales going on in Orrville.  Money raised will go to disaster relief.

Enjoy the lovely weekend we are supposed to have (I hope it's not the last of the year)!