Chat - 9/19/14

Sunday school will begin at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday, September 21.  During worship, Anointing for Healing and Blessing will be offered.  Following the service the Third Sunday Potlucks will resume!  Bring a dish to share and your table settings.  Confirmation meets at 5:00.  Youth Fellowship follows at 6:00.  Wear old clothes that can get messy.  Pizza will be served!  The Brenn-Field service will also be held at 6:00.

All of the choirs will rehearse at their usual times on Wednesday.

Don't forget we have sign-up sheets posted on the office bulletin board for those interested in Fall Camp (Oct. 24-26) and the New Jersey Mission Trip (Nov. 9-15).  If you have questions about either of these opportunities please see Shirley Weyrauch.


Fall Camp 2013.  Don't miss it this year!