Chat - 9/17/15

It's going to be a busy, busy day at Christ Church this coming Sunday, Sept. 20.  The morning will begin with all of our Sunday school classes meeting at 9:00.  Worship will begin at 10:15.  The two youth who traveled on the youth mission trip this summer will speak about a pivotal moment they experienced during the trip.  Also during worship, anointing for healing and blessing will be offered. 

Following the service, the Third Sunday Potlucks resume!  Everyone is invited to bring a dish to share and your table settings.  Remember--the fellowship committee members are there to make things easy for you!  Just leave instructions with your dish, and the committee will make sure everything (heat up, mix, cut, etc.) gets done.  The youth mission trippers will speak more about their trip during the potluck.  They will have a slideshow to view and more stories to tell.

It's not too late to sign up for the golf scramble that is also being held this Sunday.  Call or email me in the office if you would like to participate by tomorrow, Friday, Sept. 18.  I can also answer questions.

Youth Fellowship will hold a Family Night on Sunday evening, 6:00 p.m.  Please RSVP to Lisa Yeagley by tomorrow, Friday, Sept. 18, with the number attending.

Shirley Weyrauch needs to know who will be attending Fall Camp, Oct. 16-18, by Sunday as well.  There is a sign up sheet on the office bulletin board. This is our annual retreat to Pilgrim Hills for fellowship, fun and food with our church family. We mix some study time in with lots of free time, do a work project for the camp, hike, enjoy a campfire or two, and relax in the beauty that is autumn in Ohio.

I am not sure we could squeeze one more thing into Sunday!

Monday brings a Care Ministries Cabinet meeting at 1:00 in the conference room.  The Worship Committee and Christian Ed. will meet at 7:00.

Carol Choir will begin rehearsals on Wednesday, 4:30 p.m.  Youth ages 5-6th grade who want to praise God with their beautiful voice is welcome to come.  The Chancel choir will rehearse at 7:30 p.m.

Have a great weekend!

Pics: Fall Camp 2014 & Third Sunday Potluck.  Photo credit to Shirley Weyrauch.