Chat - 8/20/15

Long time, no "chat."  I have a list of things to talk about, so let's get to it!

This Sunday, Aug. 23, is Rally Day and Outdoor Worship.  Rally Day begins at 9:00 with activities and refreshments for preschoolers on up.  We will be continuing our "peace" theme from VBS, so if the kids want to wear the t-shirts they made at Bible school they can.  We hope that everyone wears their Christ Church, UCC, camp, or mission trip t-shirt.  Along with that, the theme for worship will be “Strong in the Lord” from Ephesians 6:10-20.  Ephesians talks about being “spiritually dressed” (whole armor of God) so that you may indeed be strong in the Lord against evil, temptation, and all that stands against God.   Would you – everyone – bring something that symbolizes for you strength in the Lord?  This might be something you wear or something you place on the altar.  It need not be a religious article (cross), but for example:  shoes standing for when you started walking with the Lord, or a hat with a faith story behind it, or headphones that remind you of hearing the right words at the right time, or a flashlight against a dark time of the soul, or a thermos symbolizing when you found Christ to be living water, or a gift of kindness that meant a lot, or an eraser that brings forgiveness.   It could be anything that stands for spiritual strength. t-shirt to outdoor worship.  Worship will be held under the big tent.  Chairs will be set up, but you can bring your own lawn chair as well.

The church picnic will be held in fellowship hall following the service.  All food is provided, so come and enjoy good food and fellowship.

Youth Fellowship (grades 6-12) will meet from 6-8 p.m on Sunday for the Back-to-School-Bash at Putt 'n Stuff.  Snacks will be provided, but not a whole meal.  The event is free and as always, friends are invited!

The Stewardship Ministry Team will meet on Monday, 7:00 p.m.

Looking ahead: the weekends start booking up fast in the fall, so here are a few oppportunities you don't want to miss! Mark your calendars now.

September 12, 13, 14--Volunteers are needed to help in the fry wagon at the Wayne County Fair.  The fundraiser benefits the youth mission trip fund.  If anyone would like to help, there is a sign-up sheet on the office bulletin board.

September 20--All-church 9-hole Golf Scramble at the Pines.  Start time is 1:30 p.m.  There is a sign-up sheet on the office bulletin board with more information.  Start practicing your putting.

October 16-18--Fall Camp at Pilgrim Hills.  Everyone is invited to this weekend event.  Watch for more information in upcoming newsletters and bulletins.