Chat - 6/4/15

This Sunday, June 7, the sacrament of communion will be offered during worship.  The Strengthen the Church offering will be collected.  Special offering envelopes were not included in the newsletter mailing, but they will be available in the pews this Sunday.  The newly elected elders and deacons will be installed during worship.  The Parish Nureses will be stationed at the back of the sanctuary following the service to monitor blood pressures.  Home communion will be delivered at 1:00.

The Scripture texts for Sunday are: Psalm 130, Acts 3:1-10

Consistory meets on Monday, 7:00 p.m.

Some reminders/opportunities:

  • The Christ Church apparel from the youth fundraiser has arrived.  You can pick your shirts up following worship in the gathering area on Sunday.
  • Volunteers are needed in the nursery this summer.  If you are able to help a Sunday or two, please sign up on the sheet outside of the office.  We are in need of help for this Sunday.  Let Elizabeth know if you can cover it.
  • We need cookies for Chapel Hill!  Please package your cookies and label them with the type and number of cookies, and place them in the downstairs freezer by June 29.
  • The Father's Day Food Drive continues through the month of June.  Items especially needed are: Saltine crackers, canned fruit, cans of mixed vegetables, cans of chicken noodle soup, cans of ravioli or spaghetti o's , helper mixes (Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper etc.), and boxed pudding.  A box is set up in the gathering are for all donations.
  • Christ Church will be providing lunch on June 27 for the Miller Avenue Lunch On Us program.  We are in need of volunteers to help prep food on Friday night, go to Miller Avenue on Saturday and help serve, and provide food for the lunch.  If you are able to help out in any of those three ways, please sign up on the bulletin board.  Contact Lisa Yeagley or Joanne Burkey if you have any questions.

I'll tell ya, things don't slow down too much around here in the summer!  What a blessing to have so many opportunities for mission, teaching, caring, and fellowship throughout the whole year.

And don't forget to mark your calendars--next Sunday, June 14, 6:30-8:00 p.m., the Ice Cream Social!