Chat 6/2/16

Sunday School Recognition will be held this Sunday, June 5, 9:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall with a light breakfast and, of course, the annual slide show.  Acolytes, teachers and volunteers will be recognized, but everyone is invited to attend.  Communion will be served during worship at 10:15.  The Strengthen the Church special offering will be collected.  The Parish Nurses will be stationed at the back of the sanctuary following worship to monitor blood pressures.  Home Communion will be delivered at 1:00.

The Property Committee will hold a meeting on Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.

The church parking lot will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, due to sealing and striping.

Things don't slow down here at Christ Church during the summer.  We have plenty of activities/events scheduled, so don't miss out!  Keep up to date on the latest here on the website!