Chat - 2/21/20

Prayers for a safe journey for the ladies heading to and from the Women's Retreat at Templed Hills this weekend.

On Sunday, be sure to purchase your Daughters Dinner tickets before or after worship in the Gathering Area.  Cost is $8 for adults, ages 3-10 $5.  After worship, a coffee hour will be held.  Confirmation will meet at 12:00.  At 3:00 in the sanctuary the Green Faculty will hold a recital.  Megan Mowrer will be performing.  Following the concert, a reception will be held.  All are invited to attend.

Ash Wednesday

  • 5:15p Kids Club Family Night
  • 6:00p Pancake Supper--Ham, fruit and pancakes with all the toppings will be served.  All are invited. No RSVP needed.
  • 6:30p Carol Choir will hold a short rehearsal until 6:45
  • 7:00p Ash Wednesday Service--Begin the Lenten season with this devotional service and the imposition of ashes.
  • Chancel Choir will rehearse following the service.

I will be out of the office next Thursday and Friday (Feb. 27 & 28).

Enjoy the weekend.

Pic: Pancake Supper 2019