Chat - 2/10/17

The Love Offering, benefitting Nick Amster Workshop, 180, Viola Startzman Free Clinic, and Salvation Army, will be collected during worship this Sunday.  There will be blank offering envelopes in the pews for your use.  Please write your name, which organization you would like you gift to be designated to, and your envelope number on the front of the envelope.  Thank you for your support of these local organizations.

Following worship, a coffee hour will be held in the gathering area.  Youth & Mentors and Confirmation students will depart for the Maltz Museum at 12:30.  The Green Team invites everyone back to the church at 6:00 for their annual Soup & Movie Night.  They will be showing the National Geographic documentary "After the Flood" starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Enjoy a bowl of soup, watch a movie and join in a lively discussion!

On Monday, Spiritual Council will meet at 6:00, with Consistory following at 7:00.

The Worship Committee will hold a meeting on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.

The usual activities are scheduled for Wednesday.

On Thursday, 6:30 p.m., the Fellowship Hall Renovation Committee will meet.

The newsletter deadline is next Friday.