Chat - 12/3/15

December 6, at Christ Church is the Hanging of the Greens service.  Following worship, the Parish Nurses will be stationed at the back of the sanctuary to monitor blood pressuresYouth Fellowship will meet in the church parking lot at 3:45 to head to Laser Quest in Fairlawn.  Any youth planning to attend should bring a white elephant gift.  The group will return around 7:45.  We need to make sure we have enough cars/drivers, so please RSVP to Erik McGrew or the church office if you'll be laser questing on Sunday.

The Youth Ministries Council will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday.  The Advent study Shirley Weyrauch is leading will also meet at 7:00 p.m.  Missed the first session?  That's okay, it's not too late to join!

Sarah Circle is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, 1:30 p.m.  Carol Choir/Kid's Club will meet at 4:30 p.m. for continuing pageant practice.  The Bell and Chancel choirs rehearse at their usual times.

If you are looking for something fun to do this Saturday, Dec. 5, Ty and Parker Duxbury will be demoing wood turning on a lathe at Local Roots in Wooster from 10-2pm. The more the merrier so spread the word!

Pic: Hanging of the Greens 2014. Photo by Shirley Weyruach.