Chat - 12/2/16

It's the annual Hanging of the Greens service at Christ Church this Sunday, Dec. 4.  Following worship, the Parish Nurses will be at the back of the sanctuary to monitor blood pressures.  Confirmation will be held at 5:00, as will Advent Family Night. The Christian Education Committee is planning a special event to kick off the season of Advent. There will be crafts to make and take home, prayer stations to prepare your heart for this special time of year, and an “all hands on deck” coloring project to make something special for display at Christ Church! Bring a finger food to share and join us for an evening of fun family fellowship!

Thank you to everyone that volunteered to ring the Salvation Army bell at Buehler's on Tuesday.  All time slots have been filled!

Kid's Club and the choirs will meet at their usual times on Wednesday.

Thanks, also, to everyone who took an Angel Tag from the tree.  All gifts need to be returned, unwrapped, by Dec. 12.