Chat - 12/15/16

It's going to be a busy, fun-filled day at Christ Church this Sunday, Dec. 18.  The morning will begin with breakfast being served in the fellowship hall at 8:45 (Christmas program participants should be here at 8:30 to eat).  Following the delicious breakfast, we will move up to the sanctuary at 9:15, for the Sunday School Christmas Program.  The kids have spent a lot of time preparing for this program, so let's show them support by filling up all the pews.

During worship, Anointing for Healing and Blessing will be offered.  The Advent Offering benefitting People to People Ministries will be collected.  There will be blank, white offering envelopes in the pews for this offering.  Just mark on the front "People to People" and your name.  Or, you can mark your normal offering envelope.

The eating continues after worship with the annual Cookie Exchange/Coffee Hour in the fellowship hall.  Bring a dozen or two of your favorite Christmas cookies and drop them off in the conference room before worship.  Everyone is invited to enjoy cookies and hot chocolate during the coffee hour, and then package some up to take home for your holiday get togethers.  This is a great way to get a variety of cookies without all the hard work.

The fun doesn't stop there on Sunday!  The evening brings the annual caroling party.  Meet at Brenn-Field at 5:50 p.m. to help lead a short service of scripture and carols.  Then we'll split into groups and go caroling to some of our church members homes.  We meet up at the parsonage afterwards for food and fellowship.  This is always a fun event, so join us!

Kid's Club will meet on Wednesday, along with all of the choirs.

Two other important things to note:

  1. 2016 contributions must be in to the church office by December 31.  With the last Sunday in December being Christmas day, the 31st might sneak up on you.  If you want your Christmas Eve offering to go to the Current Fund for 2016, you need to use your regular church offering envelopes.  Money collected during the Christmas Eve services goes to Veterans of the Cross, so we don't want to mix up where you intend for your money to go.  If you have any questions or need clarification, please call the church office.
  2. On a sad note, long time member Jane Curie has recently been diagnosed with leukemia and is under Hospice care.  She would appreciate cards and notes from friends.  Her address is: One Country Lane. Brookville, OH 45309.