Chat - 11/19/15

I hope everyone has been enjoying this wonderful November weather we've been having.  I will take it for as long as it wants to stick around.

This Sunday, November 22, at Christ Church brings Sunday school at 9:00 and worship beginning at 10:15.  During worship we will remember those church members who have in the past year died and entered God's eternity.  The Cornucopia offering will be collected, which benefits Crossroad, Hope Homes, United Church Homes and Wayne County Habitat for Humanity.  Offering envelopes will be available in the pews.  Following worship, there will be a celebration and book signing in the gathering area for Pastor Gehres' recently published book.  You can obtain a book for a donation (on Sunday only, one per household) for Pastor Gehres to sign.  The proceeds will go to Wayne County Habitat for Humanity.  Also, Suzanne Jelinek will have the nativity sets for sale in the gathering area during the celebration which were advertised in the most recent newsletter.

The Christian Ed. committee will meet on Monday at 7:00.

The choirs will rehearse at their usual times on Wednesday.  Kid's Club will meet at 5:15 but finish early at 6:00.  There will be no Kid's Club meal on Wednesday.

The office will be closed on Thursday and Friday.

Friday from 5-8 is the Living Nativity at Christ Church.  Volunteers of all ages/sizes/levels of expertise are still needed!  We have several time slots that need to be filled.  The shifts last for only 20 minutes.  If you are worried about the cold--costumes fit over coats, you can wear your mittens and boots, and when you are done, you can warm up with hot chocolate in the gathering area.  Please sign up on the office bulletin board if you can help.  By the way, the Wayne County Choral Union is scheduled to sing in our sanctuary around 6:45 during the Home for the Holidays event.

We also have bell ringing time slots to fill.  Christ Church is scheduled to ring the Salvation Army bell at Buehler's on Tuesday, Dec. 1.  Please consider volunteering one hour of your time.