Chat - 10/8/15

The morning begins with Sunday school at 9:00, this Sunday, Oct. 11.  Worship will follow at 10:15.  After worship, Christ Church Preschool will host the coffee hour in their classroom.  Stop in and enjoy some refreshments while checking out what the students have been working on so far this year.  Pastor Gehres will also meet with youth (2nd grade on up) for the Children and Communion class about 15 minutes after worship.  Stop in the preschool and grab a snack, then meet in the Lower Room. 

On Monday, Consistory will meet at 7:00 p.m.

The Sarah Circle meets on Wednesday at 1:30.  Carol Choir, Bell Choir, and Chancel Choir will rehearse at their usual times.  Kid's Club begins at 5:15.

The newsletter deadline is next Friday as well as Fall Camp (through 18th).

Lisa Yeagley is looking for a cook for Kid's Club on Wednesday nights.  If you would like more information about this ministry, please contact her ASAP.

Pic: Kid's Club members enjoying the evening meal.  Please prayerfully consider helping with this program.