Chat - 10/29/15

Well, this is my second time typing this, so forgive me for the brevity.

Time change this weekend!  Remember to turn your clocks back one hour before falling asleep on Saturday night.

On Sunday, the sacrament of communion will be offered during worship.  The Parish Nurses will be checking blood pressures following the service at the back of the sanctuary.  Rake 'n Run participants should meet downstairs for lunch, then head out to rake.  Keep fingers crossed that it doesn't rain!

Spiritual Council will convene at 7:00 on Monday.

The choirs and Kid's Club meet at their usual times on Wednesday.

Tickets for the 10th annual Relay for Life Chicken Dinner on Nov. 7, can be purchased before or after worship in the gathering area.  Adults are $10, ages 10 and under $5, 2 and under are free.  You won't want to miss it!

There is always lots of pie at the Chicken Dinner!