Chat - 6/27/13

I just got back from dropping the newsletters off at the post office.  Did you know there is a link here on the website where you can view the most recent newsletter?  If you can't wait until your copy comes in the mail go ahead and check it out.  Also, if you are still receiving your newsletter through the mail, but would like to receive it via email, just let me know.  I send a link out once it has been published on the web so you can read it as soon as it is "hot off the press" so to speak.

On to Sunday...our last Sunday in June!  Summer, please slow down!  This Sunday at 9:00 the youth bell choir will rehearse one last time before their debut during worship.  They will be providing the special music this week.  The sacrament of baptism will also take place during worship.  Our pool party re-do is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. at Orr Pool.  The weather forecast is different every time I look at it, but if the weather once again causes a cancellation, I will post it here in the blog. 

Spiritual Council will meet at 7:00 on Monday.

The office will be closed on Thursday and Friday.

Have a wonderful weekend!