Chat - 2/26/20

Just a reminder that the office will be closed Thursday, Feb. 27, and Friday, Feb. 28.

We will start the first day of March with Sunday school at 9:00, with worship following at 10:15.  The sacrament of communion will be offered.  The Parish Nurses will monitor blood pressures following the service at the back of the sanctuary.  Coffee Hour will be held in the Gathering Area.  While you are in the Gathering Area be sure to buy your tickets to the Daughters Dinner.  The Daughters Dinner will be held on March 14 at 5:00.  You won't want to miss out on "sweet" evening of fun and fellowship.  Confirmation will meet at noon.  Youth Fellowship meets at 6:00.

Spiritual Council has a meeting on Monday at 7:00.

The Worship Committee meets on Tuesday at 7:00.

The usual activities are scheduled for Wednesday.  All are invited to Pastor Mike's Lenten Psalm study starting next Wednesday from 6:30-7:15. "What is a Psalm?"  "What’s it for?"  "How do you use it?" are some of the questions we’ll address in this Wednesday evening study during Lent.  Learn why so many saints over the ages have found such strength and comfort in the Psalms.