Chat - 11/13/20

*Reminder: if you ordered a chicken dinner from the Cancer Crusaders, pick-up is tomorrow (Saturday, Nov. 14), starting at 4:30.  To help with traffic flow, we are asking that you enter from the Vine St. entrance.  Also, if you want to bring your own reusable bags to place the food in, that might be helpful, too.

Our "3 Great Loves" stewardship campaign continues this Sunday, Nov. 15, with the Love of Creation.  The worship service includes another testimonial and a special piano/organ duet.  The video will be ready to view on Sunday morning.

If you ordered a Home Greening Kit for our Hanging of the Greens Zoom worship on Nov. 29, you can start picking them up at the church on Monday afternoon.  They will also be available for pick up during our Drive-In Consecration Sunday service on Nov. 22.

Yes, spread the word, we will have our first Drive-In/Parking Lot worship service on Nov. 22!  It will begin at 10:15 a.m.  You will receive bulletins (if I remember how to do those), and everything!  Bring your Estimate of Giving cards with you, as there will be a time in the service to bring those forward, like we usually do.  It won't be quite like being back in the sanctuary, but it will be nice to "gather" right before Thanksgiving and wave to one another from our cars. We hope you will join us.

Pic: Practicing for our Outdoor Worship (we will be able to sing hymns in our cars)!