Chat - 10/26/18

What a fun week we had!  Between the bonfire and hayride, and the Halloween party, we are squeezing in the best things about fall.  Thanks again to everyone who participated in one way or another in both of these activities, and if you haven't already, check out the pictures on our Facebook page.

This Sunday, October 28, is Reformation Sunday, and we will also be observing Totenfest.  Coffee hour will be held following worship.  Confirmation and Youth Fellowship meet in the evening.

Christian Ed. will hold a meeting on Monday, 7:00 p.m.

The Bridging Team meets on Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.

There is no Kid's Club or Carol Choir on Wednesday, due to city wide trick-or-treating.  The Bell and Chancel choirs will rehearse.

This Sunday will be the last day to purchase your tickets to the Cancer Crusaders Chicken Dinner on November 3!  Buy your tickets in the Gathering Area before or after worship ($10 adult, $5 ages 2-10).  You can also call Linda Combs for tickets.

Enjoy the rest of October!


Cutest couple award goes to Michael & Kaylene!