Chat - 6/1/18

Well, my friends, "The Sunday" has arrived.  Pastor Gehres will be preaching his last sermon at Christ Church this Sunday, June 3. It will be a bittersweet morning, for sure.  Before worship, however, is Sunday School Recognition at 9:00.  A continental breakfast will be served, the year-in-review slideshow will be shown, and awards will be given.  All are invited.  During worship we will collect the Strengthen the Church special offering.  The sacrament of Communion will be offered.  There will be a coffee hour in the Gathering Area after worship, so stay and say your last farewells to Randy and Grace.

Spiritual Council will meet on Monday at 7:00.

The Search Committee meets Thursday at 7:00.

Volunteers are needed to help in the nursery this summer.  A sign up sheet is posted outside of the nursery if you are able to help out.

Volunteers are also needed for Vacation Bible School running July 15-18.  See Elizabeth Wallace or Jennifer Howell with questions.


A slideshow will be playing in the Gathering Area before and after worship commemorating the 25 years Randy and Grace have been with us at Christ Church.  It's a trip down memory lane.  Don't miss it.