Chat - 5/12/16

Pentecost is this Sunday, May 15, and there is a lot happening at Christ Church.  During worship, we will collect the Spiritual Gifts Offering.  The Spiritual Gifts list was sent with the newsletter, but extra copies will be available Sunday at the sanctuary entrances.  It is very helpful to staff and committee chairs to have these lists, so please take the time to fill them out and bring them with you on Sunday.  There will be a Congregational Meeting at the end of worship, with the business of electing Elders, Deacons, and Endowment members.

Don't forget about the cookout on Sunday!  The Fellowship Committee is looking forward to wrapping up another successful year of potlucks with this celebration.  Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided.  Please bring a side dish and your table settings to share. 

The CROPWALK will take place at 3:00 on Sunday, at Smithville.  Catch Joe Hranko on Sunday morning if you would like to make a pledge.

Youth Fellowship will meet at the church at 6:00, Sunday evening.  Friends are welcome and dinner will be provided.

On Monday night, the Christian Ed. Committee and Worship Committee will both meet at 7:00 p.m.

The Golden Singles will hold their monthly get together at Old Carolina on Tuesday at 11:30.  Meet at Old Carolina.

The Chancel Choir rehearses Wednesday.

The newsletter deadline is next Friday.