Chat - 4/21/16

At 9:15, this Sunday, April 24, everyone is invited to attend a meeting in the Parlor to discuss the proposed Christ Church "Welcome Statement."  A copy of the proposed statement can be found at the sanctuary entrances.  Also on Sunday, Tupperware, serving dishes, etc. from various dinners will be set out on the kitchen counter to be claimed by their rightful owners.  Stop down and see if anything belongs to you.

The kitchen floor will be replaced all next week, so there will be no kitchen access.

Monday at 7:00, the Youth Council and CE members participating on the online course will meet in the conference room to discuss modules 4-6.

On Wednesday, the Bell and Chancel choirs will rehearse.

Enjoy the weekend!


Pic: Annie and Alaina played piano pieces for the residents of Brenn-Field when the Carol Choir led the service last Sunday.