Chat - 3/10/17

Anyone with questions about Christ Church or who might be interested in becoming a member, is invited to meet with Pastor Gehres at 9:00 a.m. this Sunday, March 12, in the Parlor for an Inquirer's class.  The One Great Hour of Sharing offering will be collected, and our Caregiving Ministries will be recommissioned during worship.  After worship, stop and grab some refreshments at the monthly coffee hour.  Confirmation will meet at 5:00, with Youth Fellowship following at 6:00.

On Monday Spiritual Council meets at 6:00, Consistory follows at 7:00.

Pastor Gehres will be leading a study on interpreting Scripture on Tuesday, 7:00 p.m., in the Parlor.  Why do different churches make such different interpretations of the same Scripture book or verse?  Are there guiding principles?  Bring your Bible.

The usual activities are scheduled for Wednesday evening.

Don't forget--if you have items to donate for the youth auction, please bring them with you on Sunday and give them to Lisa.

Relay for Life team members will be selling tickets to the annual Tea Party on April 1, in the gathering area before and after worship on Sunday.  Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 ages 3-10, 2 and under are free.  The Akron Steel Drum Band will be the program for this year's program, so get your tickets before they sell out!