Chat - 2/18/16

A reminder to parents that the Elementary Sunday school class will be leading gathering music this Sunday, February 21.

A potluck will be held after worship, so get on Pinterest and give a new recipe a try (I don't mind being a guinea pig).  Youth Fellowship will eat lunch at the potluck, then head to the toboggan shoots.  You have to have gloves in order to ride, so don't forget them!  The brave tobogganers should return around 5:00.  Confirmation will be held at 5:00.

The Green Team invites you to enjoy soup and a lively discussion about solar energy growth and usage in Wayne County at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday in the Fellowship Hall.  Fred Michel from the OARDC will be the presenter. 

I don't have anything on the calendar until Wednesday, when all of our usual events will take place.

The Taize Prayer session will be held on Thursday at 6:30 p.m.

I haven't got the link to the solar site directly on the website yet, but you can view here

Have a great weekend!