Chat - 11/19/21

I have quite a bit of information to remind you about for this Sunday, Nov. 21.  It is Consecration Sunday, so remember to bring your Estimate of Giving card with you to worship.  We will also be recognizing and celebrating the 45th Anniversary of Ordination of Rev. Randy Gehres. There will be a cake reception following the service, so stay and give Randy and Grace your congratulations.  During worship our Youth Bell Choir, the "Little Ringers," will be making their debut!  Youth Fellowship will meet at 1:00.  It is going to be a great Sunday!

While you are here Sunday (and if you're not, give me a call--I'll take care of you), sign up to participate in the Living Nativity, ringing the Salvation Army bell, and the Advent Study!  We really need to fill those slots for the Living Nativity and bell ringing.  Kaylene would love to have nice size group for her Advent Study--contact her with any questions about it.  Also, the Angel Tree will be set up in the Gathering Area if you would like to take a tag.  All gifts need to be in the office by Tuesday, Dec. 7.

If you would like to donate cookies to be passed out during the Home for the Holidays event on Friday, please drop them off at the church by Thursday.  Home for the Holidays runs from 5-8, and Santa is scheduled to be at our Living Nativity at 7:30.  A special thank you goes to the Duxbury family for once again setting up the nativity, and to Nikki and Jon Jones family for bringing some of their animals for a truly special experience.

Just a reminder that we will be collecting the Cornucopia offering the next two Sundays, which goes to At Home Ministries, which is the new mission group made up of volunteers from Christ Church and Trinity United Methodist Church, working on serving community members with home projects. Money collected through this offering will be used for future projects. You can mark your envelope/check "Cornucopia Offering" or use the "Give Now" button on the home page of this website. Thank you for your generosity and support!

I hope I haven't forgotten anything!  I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Elizabeth